a beautiful baptism in Danbury | fairfield county family photography

beautiful baptism ceremony in danbury

A few weeks ago, sweet little Grace was baptized in a beautiful, traditional Greek ceremony. Speaking to her mother beforehand about how it would work, I knew to expect something extraordinary, but actually being there to witness was truly an honor. 

As Carla had explained to me, there would be several parts to the ceremony and for the actual baptism the baby would be immersed in holy water and covered in a holy oil. For a little girl who only wants to be held by her parents, she did SO well, but my mama heart could barely take it when she was placed in the tub sobbing. I looked over at Carla, and saw tears welling up in her eyes. A mix of emotions that I know all too well. Wanting to go to her rescue but knowing that she couldn't. The first of a lifetime of special milestones where she'll look on with love and pride, but simultaneously wish she could keep her to herself just a little bit longer. Motherhood, I'm learning, is a constant struggle between holding on and letting go. 

After a brief moment of tears, Grace was scooped up, wrapped up in a warm towel and placed back in mommy's arms. The ceremony finished and I was able to capture a few more gorgeous moments. It was such a special day for this family and I'm just really honored I got to be there helping them capture memories that they'll hopefully look back on for generations.